Monday, May 21, 2012

She Said Boom

When I walked into the store, it had a great vibe because I love when people be friendly and greet me from the start. This store had great collections of books although it was really limited. It didn't have a great variety of books like BMV it had some which made this store interesting. 

I think what made this store different from the other I went to was the fact that this store had a great amount of record collections. I rarely seen records in my life and this store having a big collection of records made me excited. As I looked through the records I was wondering how they could have collected all these records from so long ago. 

This bookstore is a used bookstore so that explains the prices on the books  because new books like Harry Potter were being sold for the reasonable price of 5 dollars but it usually sold for 10 dollars and up. 

They did have some sort of variety when it came to books, although it was still limited so there is some sort of accessibility. Something I did not really like about the store is that their books were very high on the bookshelf. For people short like me would have a hard time time reaching for books. On the contrary, they did have a ladder but I do not like the fact that I need to use a ladder to reach for my books. Other stores had an easy access for me to reach for the books but this store had it way high up.

In conclusion, this is a well rounded book store. It has great collections of books, especially new books and an amazing collection of records. They make sure that this store is affordable which I like and I had a great time perusing through this book store.


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