Monday, May 21, 2012

A Different Booklist 

To be honest, When I saw this bookstore from a far, it was real bright due to its choice of neon colour so it automatically caught my attention. As I entered the store, I had the warmest welcome by this amazing lady named Itah Sadu.

She was the best part of this store and literally made my day. She was great person filled with a wonderful personality. No one in the other bookstores actually stood there and had full on conversations with me except for her. She is filled with pride towards her culture and she is definitely proud to be who she is. When I walked into the bookstore, it had varieties of books from her black heritage. She made a specific wall of the people she met and I really can tell that this store is like her home. 

The atmosphere of the place was like home. Although it was small, the lady made it feel like home. There wasn't much of varieties of book selection because it was just books of her black heritage. However, the collections of books she had was really interesting and it would be something I want to read. I can tell she treats this store like her baby and this can proved by the way she talks about the experiences she had with the store.

However, this was a small bookstore, it was not that spacious but I can tell she did take the space part into factor and made sure she made it fit just right for the area. 

Overall, this was a great bookstore to go into because the experience I had in it was truly wonderful. If not, just go in for Itah Sadu because she is a great person to talk to and she is willing to give you advice on life that no other stranger would do for you. I had a great time in this store and I definitely recommend this bookstore.


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